Musician and artist, born in 1969, lives and works in Paris.

Xavier Boussiron, an artist combining visual arts, music and performing arts, was invited by the Laboratoires to work on the staging of his first show, Menace de mort et son orchestre, a collaboration with Christophe Salengro (actor and dancer), Claudia Triozzi (dancer and choreographer) and Marie-Pierre Brebant (harpsichord player). The elaboration of this musical show was the occasion for different experimentations, for instance with a hypnotist who was asked to put all the characters into hypnosis during the performance. This solution was not adopted after all, however Menace was an opportunity to explore dance, music and narration based on a gestual score which composed a series of live paintings , inspired by a scene from Les Envoutés by Witold Gomrowicz, where lyricism, burlesque and the paranormal intertwine. Menace de mort et son orchestre was shown at the Ménagerie de verre in February 2005. In 2005, the Laboratoires will co-publish, together with the Frac Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and the label Sssuave, the record of the music of Menace de mort..