The hard and joyful life of Ismaël Dupont
Wednesday 4 June 2014, 15h00 » Saturday 12 July 2014, 17h00

The hard and joyful life of Ismaël Dupont

Have you heard of Ismaël Dupont? It is said, in Aubervilliers, that this modern times nomad had settled here, on an unbuilt piece of land. It is also said that he died, recently, out of laughing, after eating a delicious ice cream - he really loved laughing, it seems. His hut has remain intact, here in Aubervilliers. We would like to visit it. With you. So we offer you to discover the hard and joyful life of Ismaël Dupont.

Saturdays 7, 14, 21 et 28 June, then 5 and 12 July at 4 pm.
Wednesdays 4, 11, 18 and 25 June, then 2 and 9 July, at 3 pm.

Free entrance, no booking. All ages.

"Chez Albert", 52 rue Lécuyer / 117 avenue Jean Jaurès, in Aubervilliers.

From June 4th till July 12th, 2014