The Depth and the Ply / Day #2
Saturday 20th February 2016, 3:00 pm

The Depth and the Ply
Launch of Glass Bead's first online issue
Site 0: Castalia, the game of ends and means (

Saturday 20th February 2016

3:00 pm  -  Introduction to the day by Glass Bead

3:30 pm  -  Why a Rationalist Art? by Suhail Malik

The malaise of contemporary art is by now commonly acknowledged. Beyond the diagnostics of art’s recent and still prevalent conditions, counterproposals are needed for what art might do and, consequently, what it has to be. The recent vindication of rationalism offers one particularly compelling countermanding of contemporary art. It is particularly significant if the concern is to establish criteria for art that are binding yet expansive, obtaining societal traction by extending art beyond the internal concerns of the artworld. Yet, as this presentation will propose, philosophically organised deontologies can not provide the criteria needed for art. As an institutionally-constructed praxis, art is constituted by a risk rationality that abrogates conceptually organised commitments. The question that arises is then: what kind of rationality should art operationalise?

4:00 pm  -  Xenofeminist Manifesto by Laboria Cuboniks, represented by Patricia Reed and Katrina Burch

Laboria Cuboniks will outline some methodological propositions following the demands mapped out in her Manifesto (released in 2015). Answering to the rhetorical question posed by Gilles Châtelet “Can one extract a part from the whole without leaving scars?”, Cuboniks takes up what could be called the ‘geometrical ommission’ from much of post-structuralisms’ derivative disciplines that limit the potential of particularisms (points) by assuming one can properly identify them in isolation, divorced from their field conditions. Following the integrative approach endemic to a synthetic procedure, she will argue for the necessity of an epistemic gluing operation to adequately describe the types of complex, contemporary objects that define our time (extra-local/temporal objects), requiring new cognitive approaches in order to afford suitable modes for their episto-politicization.

4:30 pm  -  Panel conversation with Suhail Malik, Laboria Cuboniks and Glass Bead followed by a discussion with the audience

6:00 pm  - Break

6:15 pm  -  Public conversation between Tristan Garcia and Christopher Priest

This conversation will stem from the writers' common interest for the realist description of the world, the notion of literary genre, and the concept of science fiction, as well as the situation of these ideas in regard to the modern novel, to explore their traction on world construction, possibility and futurity.

8:00 pm  -  Break

9:00 pm  -  Sound performance by Tarek Atoui




Free entrance on reservation
to or 01 53 56 15 90