Marinella Senatore was born in Italy in 1977. She lives and works in London and Paris. Active participation of the public in the creative process and the use of different media (installations, videos, performances creating a dialogue between oral, social and cultural history) are key to her work. While people’s participation takes on different forms each time, linked to the basic structures the artist proposes, each project is an opportunity to rethink the distribution of roles between ‘author’ and public. Over 20 000 people from Spain, Germany and the UK took part in one of the most recent collective productions, Rosas (2012), an opera for television. In 2013, Marinella Senatore went on to found The School of Narrative Dance, a free, nomadic school offering a mutual learning programme which aims to foster the emancipation of its students and to activate a process of self-teaching. She will be developing this project during her residency at Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers beginning in January 2016. 

Le travail de Marinella Senatore a été présenté en Italie et à l'international au sein de grandes manifestations, expositions et musées. Elle a également reçu plusieurs bourses, dont notamment celle de la Dena Foundation en 2009 ou encore la bourse pour les jeunes artistes italiens du Castello di Rivoli-Museo de Arte Contemporanea en 2013.