Lancement : FANFICTION 93 Numéro 2
Friday 15 January 2016, 20h00 » 23h00

Lancement : FANFICTION 93 Numéro 2


Lancement FANFICTION 93 #2

With Åbäke, Marie Bechetoille, Jennifer Caubet, Louise Hervé et Chloé Maillet, Florentine et Alexandre Lamarche-Ovize, Bettina Samson, Syndicat, Julien Tiberi and Adva Zakai.

This second issue of FANFICTION 93 is made up of posters produced collectively by the artists. In this issue, characters and sites around Aubervilliers return to the town’s streets via fiction and the détournement of advertising posters. This issue was co-produced by Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers and the municipal printers of Aubervilliers.

Promenade sous hypnose (a walk under hypnosis)
by Marie-Christine Laurel / 8.00 pm & 8.45 pm

Limited places. On reservation at

In order to build on the stories generated by the posters featuring in issue 2 of FANFICTION 93,  Marie-Christine Laurel visitors to take part in a collective reverie. Using hypnosis, she allows participants to imagine and occupy their own fictional territory through a mental wander through the streets of Aubervilliers.

DJ set FF93#2
by Marion Guillet / 9.30 pm - 11 pm

FANFICTION 93 will be inviting  Marion Guillet to play a DJ set specially put together for the launch of issue 2. Alongside her art production (drawing, sculpture, installation) Marion Guillet regularly plays in France and overseas. For over two years she has been presenting the bi-monthly radio programme “Vie Garantie” on Le Mellotron where she invites artists to discuss music (among other things) and play tracks.


Vendredi 15 janvier 2016, 20h