illegal_cinema #27
Monday 6th of december 2010, at 7.30pm :
Cinédoc - Paris Film Coop, l’Etna, L’Abominable and Light Cone proposed a selection of 20 short movies. In collaboration with the Festival des cinémas différents.
Cinédoc - Paris Film Coop presented Catatoptric Light (Maki Satake, Japon, 2007, 4min), Tout ce qui est rouge, tout ce qui est vert, tout ce qui est jaune (Jean-Luc Reynier, France, 1996/2009, 9min) and Kan Yu (Ruth Anderwald and Leonhard Grond, Autriche, 2009, 4min).
L'Etna presented Je me suis levé pour faire un film (Boris Du Boullay, France, 2010, 5min30), Elez (Mikael Rabetrand, France, 2002, 2min), Prelude 07 (Maria Kourkouta, France, 2008/2010, 1min), They hae a name, by the Chap (Guillaume Mazloum, 2009, 3min), Vivre vite (Yves-Marie Mahé, France, 2008, 1'40), Entre-deux (Damien Serban, France, 2005, 2min), Soudain (Van Ta Minh, France, 2007, 1min22), Tchao Mambo (Delphine Lest, France, 2003, 3min), Dellamorte Dellamore Dellamorte Dellamore (David Matarasso, France, 2000, 2min), Eaux d'artifice (Arnaud Gerber, France, 2010, 3min), and Souvenirs (Denis Cointe, France, 2009, 4min)
L'Abominable presented K (il était une fois) (Frédérique Devaux, France, 2001/2003), Monica (Enrico Mandirola, Italie, 2006, 13min) and Olam Otsim (Dražen Zanchi, Croatie, 2000-2005, 6min).
Light Cone presented Energie! (Thorsten Fleisch, Allemagne, 2007, 5min), H(I)J (Guillaume Cailleau, France, 2009, 6min), Sphinx on the Seine (Paul Clipson, Etats-Unis, 2009, 9min).
© ENERGIE !, Thorsten Fleisch (Light Cone)
in collaboration with :