[publication / performance]
friday 5th april 2013, 8pm
Épouser.Stephen.King: performance and book launch
Épouser.Stephen.King: this work of fiction took shape throughout Barbara Manzetti's long residence at Les Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers, Enfant.Guitare.Rouge from March 2011 to December 2012. At the end of this experience, the book Épouser.Stephen.King, published in cooperation with Les petits matins (Les grands soirs collection, directed by Jérôme Mauche), available in book shops 14 March 2013. For the book launch at Les Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers, Barbara Manzetti is giving a performance with Sabine Macher and Jérôme Mauche.
"Here the years stay afloat. Spinning tripping there they are in the churning. Gloveless I plunge my hand in. After talking to him the ideas came to me. I drew them. Two. Three faces. Including a big one with a moustache that looked like a circus man's. The one that was you had a bigger face. Assertive. The one that was me as a boy had eyes wide open. Always that boy within me. Brother. Cousin. Interior face. We are raised like chickens. Protected in one way not another. With luck, if the enclosure is modest and the water always sweet, domestic love is distributed. At set hours. In handfuls of grain. To the brats raised free-range. To the barn-raised urchins. To the rejects raised in cages. To the battery-raised wee ones. And to other species of kids." Barbara Manzetti (translated by Kate Davis)
Jérôme Mauche is a writer and editor. He has written some ten books (most recently Fiscus christus, published by Le Bleu du ciel, 2012). He teaches at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Lyon where he co-directs the Station d'Arts poétiques. He is a sometimes actor, in particular for Sabine Macher or Emmanuelle Vo-Dinh (La poterie punaise, 2012).
Sabine Macher was born in West-Germany. She is a dancer, writer and photographer. She conceives stage projects enhancing the minimal conditions of the performing arts: gathering at the same time in the same place for a limited duration in order to emit and receive what can be heard or seen. Among her most recent publications: Himmel und erde, followed by the Carnet d’a. (éd. Théâtre Typographique, 2005), Deux coussins pour Norbert (éd. Le bleu du ciel, 2009), Résidence absolue (éd. Isabelle Sauvage, 2011).
+ date + friday 5th april
+ schedule + 8pm
+ free entrance + on reservation at reservation@leslaboratoires.org / +33(0) 153 561 590
Epouser. Stephen. King: performance and book launch