Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers are one of those rare spaces where art is never disconnected from cultural, social and political reality, a space committed to engaging with difference and plurality, a place in constant flux that shapes itself on the artistic projects it defends and supports. It is at once a resource centre, a space for research, creation and experimentation, shaped around the context in which it is located (going from the most local to the international level), its audiences and artists.
Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, creates apparatuses and arrangements through which artistic practices from across the artistic disciplines are apprehended as processes of learning, sharing and experience, as an intermediary object able to probe and investigate contemporary issues, to reinvent ways of “being together” while taking the risk of shaking up our artistic notions and approaches.
In order to develop and grow, Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers need you: Support this unique space that you will be able to appropriate as much as the artists who work here do!
Become a friend of Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers and support us with our projects.
Make an on-line donation:
20€ - 99€
Become a friend of Les Laboratoire and receive:
- the Journal des Laboratoires – annual edition
- all our flyers – our four-monthly programme and projects
100€ - 999€
In addition to the above:
- the publication of your choice*
- the chance to visit artistic/cultural venues in connection with the Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers’ project.
1000€ et +
In addition to the above:
- two publications of your choice*
- you will become one of our “major donators” (your name will feature in the acknowledgements section of the Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers website)
Tax reduction:
Under the French tax law you can claim tax relief for donations made to the Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers association (French non-profit associations law of 1901). Each donation will receive a receipt filled out and returned by the Association to the donator. Private individuals are eligible for a tax reduction of 66% of the amount donated, applied to donations of a value of up to 20% of your taxable income. Businesses are eligible for a tax reduction of 60% of the amount donated, applied to donations of a value of up to 0.5% of annual turnover.
Contact: Sophie Bravo-Morales
s.bravomorales@leslaboratoires.org and 01 53 56 15 91
*choose from: Walk, Hands, Eyes (a city), Grimaces du réel, Musée Précaire Albinet, (des formes de vie), Conversation avec un cinéaste israélien imaginé: Avi Mograbi, Épouser.Stephen.King., Théâtre Permanent, Unité ou Storytelling