Agnès FLORIN is Professor Emeritus in Child Education and Psychology at the University of Nantes (UN) and member of the Centre de Recherches en Education de Nantes (CREN-EA2661).

Her research and expertise in France (Senate, Ministries, Conseil National d’évaluation du Système Scolaire—CNESCO, Terra Nova etc.) and internationally (UNICEF, OCDE, CONFEMEN, etc.) centres around the evaluation of children’s competences, the prevention of learning difficulties, the quality of school life and children’s plurilinguistic development.

To date, her work has been the subject of 350 publications (books, chapters, articles, etc.), of which the detailed list is available online at; the work and recent chapters are :

Florin, A., « La psychologie du développement », in J.F.Marmion. Psychologie. Une exploration, Paris: Editions Sciences Humaines, 2019, p. 49-68.
Florin, A., La psychologie du développement : enfance et adolescence, Paris: Dunod, 2018
Florin, A., « Quoi de neuf depuis Piaget ? » in Collectif, La psychologie aujourd’hui, Paris: Editions Sciences Humaines, 2017
Florin, A., Le développement du langage, Paris : Dunod, 2016