Cinépoèmes & films parlants (Pierre Alferi)

This DVD is a collection of ten films directed by writer Pierre Alferi between 2000 and 2002. Created from montages of films, these are works of cinematographic reminiscence where text, either poetic or narrative, is used in subtitles and voice-overs. These cinepoems, a series of texts designed for the screen, offer ways of seeing and reading the text, based on rhythm, that are very closely connected to the music composed by musician Rodolphe Burger. Pierre Alferi’s films, at the crossroads of different practices, are above all an extension of his work as a writer, developing a dreamlike world around his writing with the afterglow of images, murmurs and suspended and distorted time.

Booklet of 44 pages (texts by Pierre Alferi, introduction by Jean-Pierre Rehm). English translations of extracts of Cinéma des familles (P.O.L éditeur, 1999)