• Programmation satellite

Cylce of public lectures on art and pedagogy, "Comment faire d'une classe une oeuvre d'art" are the heart of a course designed by Marie Preston and Gwenola Wagon, artists, researchers and teacher in a master's program at the University Paris 8.


By hosting and co-building seminars, Les Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers share issues that are dear to them and that they practice regulary in particular through the establishment of "le labo des labos": workshops on how art and pedagogy interact today.

As Claire Bishop described in her article, "How to live a classroom as a work of art?", certain artists claims the creation of teaching situations we works. This "educational turn" of the art, described by Irit Rogoff, isinscribed in the continuity of the alternative and experimental pedagogy developed by artists in the 70s. They, themselves were the inheritors of the first educators such Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi and Friedrich Froebel and later, in United States, John Dewey or, in France, Célestin Freinet.
During this cycle of lectures, Marie Preston, Gwenola Wagon and their students will think about the relationship between art and pedagogy as experimental form of transmission, through the analysis of collaborative practices in educational contexts or as educational creators contexts: "Based on past and current practical experience, we search methods and try to implement, in turn, effectively and collectively "a class as a work of art"."

With Anna Colin (director of the Open School East, school between art and pedagogy in London) et Ida Soulard (historian of art, Paris), then Liliane Terrier and Jean-Louis Boissier (Course/performance around the University of Vincennes), Michel Aphesbero (artist et teatcher), Renaud Huberlant (founder of the studio Salut Public), Virginie Bobin, (art critic and curator).

This cycle is programmed at Les Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers on

February 16th 2015, Ida Soulard about the textil studio at the Bauhaus in Dessau as an experimental site

March 16th 2015, Anna Colin about the Open School East

November 9th 2015, Laurent Pichaud about the project domaine nomade

November 30th 2015, François Deck about sharing competences and incompetences

December 7th 2015, Jacques Cohen about his thesis Art et autre : enseignements.


Others dates programmed
February 23 2015, Michel Aphesbero at Université Paris 8
March 2 2015, Virginie Bobin at Bétonsalon
March 9 2015, Renaud Huberlant at Université Paris 8
March 30 2015, Liliane Terrier and Jean-Louis Boissier at the Centre universitaire expériemental de Vincennes
April 13 2015, Virginie Bobin at Bétonsalon


For more information and details on all of these conferences.