Sandy Amerio’s residence centered on the realization of the film Hear me, Children yet-to-be-born (writing, preparation of the shooting, post-production), shot during the second semester of 2003 in Death Valley, California, and produced by the Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, in collaboration with 18th Street Art Complex, Los Angeles. The exhibit, which took place at the Laboratoires in September-October 2004, was conceived as an extension of the film, in the form of an installation showing a suspended forest of paper and cardboard trees, lighted by an artificial sun, as a preview for the projection of the film. The exhibit dealt with the relation between the notions of success, economic leadership and the production of emotions, based on the phenomena of “storytelling”: a managerial procedure performed in companies by professional storytellers who tell metaphorical fictions in order to generate certain types of behaviors among the employees. The exhibit Storytelling took place in three divided but simultaneous steps, at the Laboratoires, as well as at the Espace Paul Ricard, a private foundation in Pais, and finally in a fictional book, published with the support of this foundation.

Opening 3

exhibit from September 10 to October 31, 2004
Storytelling-Hear Me, Children Yet-to-Be Born
Program of Sandy Amerio’s films: Waiting Time/Romania et Surfing on (our) History, September 18th, 2004. Storytelling, project initiated by Sandy Amerio during her residence at the Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, was presented as two parallel exhibits around the phenomenon of Storytelling (including Storytelling – Communities of Emotions at the Espace Paul Ricard, in Paris). Production of the exhibition Les Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers with the support of the Conseil Général de la Seine-Saint-Denis Coproduction of the film Hear me, Children Yet-To-Be-Born: Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, AFAA residence program, 18th Street Arts Complex of Los Angeles 2003 and Allocation de Recherche et de Séjour en France et à l’Etranger (section vidéo) 2002.